Nothing gonna change my love for you-Che Rohazli

If I had to live my life without you near me
The days would all be empty
The nights would seem so long
With you I see forever oh so early
I might have been in love before
But it never felt this strong

Our dreams are young and we both know
They’ll take us where we want to go
Hold me now, touch me now
I don’t want to live without you

Nothing’s gonna change my love for you
You oughta know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I’ll never ask for more than your love
Nothing’s gonna change my love for you
You oughta know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing’s gonna change my love for you

If the road ahead is not so easy
Our love will lead the way for us
Like a guiding star
I’ll be there for you if you should need me
You don’t have to change a thing
I love you just the way you are

So come with me and share the view
I’ll help you see forever too
Hold me now, touch me now
I don’t want to live without you

aku suke sgt lagu nieee..sbb lirik nyer memg best...biler aku dgr lagu nieee..aku rindu sgt kt someone yg aku syg..nama die CHE ROHAZLI CHE MAZLAM...aku harap perhubungan aku ngn die kekal sapa bile2.Insyallah kalo diizinkan Allah swt...

Anis Afiqah binti Kamarudin
Che Rohazli bin Che Mazlam
kau sentiasa dihatiku sayang....
love u so much...
Semoga perhubungan ini untuk selamanya
kerana aku sayang kamu...

happy2...enjoy2...with mY 2 RuMet..Hana & liza

Bermulela sebuah ke"enjoyan"...hahahahhaha

mule2 kuar gate IPG KPM nieee...kteorg sume naek kete ke Mahkota Parade(MP)...beselaa..disebabkan xmakan pagi lagi..abg nuar belanja sume makan beef balck paper grill...(cam2 la lbh kureng bunyinyer..hehehe...ingt2 lupe la)...aku yg mule2 nk truskan diet niee...tetibe off diet belanja kn..xkan nk tolak..bak kate org dulu2...xbaek tolak rezeki..hahhahaha...

disebbkan tgu nk mkn "stik"2 lambt sgt,, kteorg sume makanla kek dulu...kek kecik2 comel tau..liza yg sgt...(thanxs ya rumetku LIZA..hehhee)...

ha...nie la kek nyer..4 biji kek untuk 4 org...=)

pas2 kenyng makan kek..barulaaa..abg nuar n liza g amek mknn yg di'order' tuhh..sebb kne tgu 7 minit bru boleh amek..tanggungjawab cik Anis n Cik Hana adalah menjaga meja yg kami duduk sebb lapar sgt..lupe la nak amek gmbar "stik" nk tunjuk kt korang sume...ermmmmm....xsyoknyer...

Tapiiii...xpelaaaa....kte teruskn ngn aktiviti yg best strusnyer...hehehe
pas kenyng2 mkan..kami sume g solat...pas2 terus g main bowling...TAPI...aku Tak MAIN tau..aku niee tengok jer diorg main...hehhehe...sekadar memberi sokongan,..hahha...dalam match tuh hana menang..hana telah mengalahkan abg nuar tau..(tahniah hana..hehehe..pandai hana main..yeke?hahaha)

muke rumetku hana yang kemenangan..hehehehe..senyum bkn main lg..=)

aku plq..xhabes2 dok posing main aku tgk..duk sokong2 org jerk kn..alang2..baek aku pose..bukn kene bayar pon..percume jer..hehhehe...bukan senang nak abadikan "kecomelan" aku nie..hahaha(poyo jerk)..

nie la keje aku..orng duk main bowling..
aku dok posing2 jerk..=)

tgk ha,..xmain pon.pegang jerk pandai..
nie la bowling yg hana gunekan tau
alaaaa..yg wt hana menang tuhhh...=)
ni plq bola bowling warne pink..
liza yg suke gune..
xmain pon..dapat pose ngn bola pon jd laa..=)

wakakakaka...wt malu jerk..pose yg ade aku kesah..hal aku..ske hati aku laaa..aku xkaco korang pon kn..janji aku bahagia sudaaaa...hehehehe=)...

agenda seterusnyeeee....

pas penat maen bowling...abg nuar belanja g karoeke la plq(btul k aku eja nie..??lantakla..hehhehe)....tapi msuk box jelaaa..alaa..sje nk hepy2..mule2 ingtkan sket yg abg nuar beli token..skli abg nuar kuar kan..15 keping token tuhhhh..mak aiiii..larat k nk nyanyi,,???
larat x larat...??nynyi jugak..sapa nk kuar anak tekak duk jerit...2laaa..ngada2 nynyi lagu pic tinggi..hehhehe..alaaa...ade aku kesah sedap k xsedap..huhu..memg enjoy habeslaaa hari sgt2..=)

sesudah kepenantan..

balik dari MP kami g mkan2 aku "ON DIET" tau..minum air teh panas jerk...hehhehe..
chayok!!!nk kurus kn..??hhehehe...tapi ape2 pon..memang enjoylaaa..hepy sesangat hari niee...

roomateku yang best...c51 yang best giler..

Anis(Aku) ngn liza...
rumet yang hampir sebaya...hehehe=)

Anis(Aku) ngn Hana..
selaku Kakak yg paling vateran dalam c51..
tapi nakal cm kanak2 ribena..hehehe=)

walau ape pun...korang memang best...
kenangan sepanjang tinggal di habitat yg sama c51..
memang xkan lupe sapa biler2....

PoStEr oH PosTer

Aduhai...xsukenyer biler kene melukis or something yg nak kene lukis2 nieee...
kenapa la nak kene masuk..bagi yang betul2 nak masuk main pakse2 plq..klo kompem menang tuh okela jgak..nieee...entah pe2..buang masa satu xde keje lain jer..huhuhu

kan best kalo ayah aku ade kat cni...senang citer..bole surh die settle kn jap jer..xdala nk kne sush2kan org lain..aku pon xpening2 pikir nk cari idea...wt sesak nafas jer..
biler pikir2...rindu plq zaman mase skoloh2 dulu..bab lukis2 jer bagi ayah aku buat...xpon suruh jer adek aku buat...kan senang...ermmm..sush btul bile org xseni kene bt seni...tension2..
huhuhu..kesian cikgu seni aku..dapat anak murid cam aku nie ha...buang mase die jer ajar aku..huhuhuhu...ape2 pon..time kasehla yang da byk tolong aku dalam seni..sepanjang hidup aku..hehehehe...

berbalik pada poster yang aku kne bt berdasarkan kesihatan mulut tuhh..
nasib baikla some1 special sanggup tlg..wlopn die bukn org seni...demi xnk tgk aku tension2..sedih2..die snggup jgk bt..pdahal terpakse bersush payah meneroka somethg yg baru..kesian nk bt cmner...aku pon malas nk ak bkn reti sgt..lainla klo mood giler aku rajin nk bt

ape2 ucapan istimewa untuk :
thanxs yer syg sb sudikan buat sume ni untuk anis..
anis hargai sgt2..nt jupe anis belanja abg yer..
kalo nak yang lain2 tuhh..lain kali la yer..

B.I.G oh B.I.G...

ermmmmm....ish ish ishhh...
kisah ni da lama da berlalu...da masuk seminggu sbb aku ni bz yg teramat sgt..smpaikan xda mase nk citer kt cni...ntah iyer ntah tidak aku ni bz kn..hhhhehehhehee...
ape2 kisah aku dan dak2 kelas aku (kelas Pra2) g bt BIG kt sungai rambai...korang yg xtau msti tertye2 ape itu BIG kn.,..???

meh cni aku nk kabor beri...BIG tuh sbnarnyer program Bina Insan Guru untuk guru pelatih....
ntah terbina ke tidak insan diorg pon aku xtaulaaaa...huhuhu..janji setiap semester belajar aku n kawan2 kne laksanakan...

back 2 d basic..jumaat mgu lepas aku ngn kawan2 g ler wt khidmat masyrakat ngn warga emas kt sungai rambai..atau kat homestay pengkalan hulu xsilap aku...iye doh rasenyer nama tuh..nyanyuk laaa..bru jap jer da lupe nama...mase program tuh..aku dapat la sorang mak angkat..per yg bestnyer mak angkat aku tuh caring r jgak...dari panggilan nenek da ubah jd panggilan mak...hehehee..mak pon mak laaa..janji happy nk jeleshhh...bace jer kesah aku nie ha...

kt sane memg macm2 la kami bt...memg happening hbeslaaa..smpaikan masa da nk hbes tuh..aku rasa syg sgt nk tnggalkan tempat tmpat tuh memberikan ketenangan kt aku..suasana yg hijau dan mendamaikanlah katekan...(bagi akula..bagi org lain aku xtau)
aku ni malas nk tulis share r pic yer cket2...korang tgk jer dhla..jgn nk kutuk2 yer..tuhan marah...=)
haaa...nie la mak angkat aku..namanya....
Puan Sarimah bt Rais
Umo 77 tahun da tau...hehhehe..
anak pon da 12 org..
klo xsilap...cucu 48 org beb...
memg ramai..sape2 bercadang nk anak ramai..
bole la mtk petua dr die...
"mak..jgn marah yer," anis bergurau jerk..
kalo bole anis nak anak ramai cm mak jgk
(poyo jerk aku)
budok comel ni plq cucu mak aku..
kirenyer anak sedara akulaa..(berangan jer)
comel sgt...namanyer aku xpstila...huhuhu
masa niee..sume kena main bowling...
mak angkat aku yg saket lutut pon redah jerk beb..
janji main..memg sporting habeslaaa...
cayalah mak...
nie ketupat yg mak aku buatkan untuk aku..
sume ni die bt mase pertndingan anyam ketupat.
last2 die bg aku sbg tanda kenangan..hihihi
soooo sweet...!!!

tapi sume da tinggal kenangan daaaa...rindu mak angkat aku tuhhh...
sebelum die balik die da cakap kt aku "sayang anak mak ni" (mase tuh die peluk aku)...
memang terharu sgt mase tuhhhh..mengalir gkla air mata aku..,,huhuhuhu...

ape2 pon sume 2 bg pengalaman yg bermakna pada aku beb...sapa masenyer aku pon tue jugak..
ntah sempat atau tidak aku jd cm mak..hidup sapa usia 77 tahun...JUST WAIT & SEE ya...



Empat perkara menguatkan badan
1. makan daging
2. memakai haruman
3. kerap mandi
4. berpakaian dari kapas

Empat perkara melemahkan badan
1. banyak berkelamin (bersetubuh)
2. selalu cemas
3. banyak minum air ketika makan
4. banyak makan bahan yang masam

Empat perkara menajamkan mata
1. duduk mengadap kiblat
2. bercelak sebelum tidur
3. memandang yang hijau
4. berpakaian bersih

Empat perkara merosakan mata
1. memandang najis
2. melihat orang dibunuh
3. melihat kemaluan
4. membelakangi kiblat

Empat perkara menajamkan fikiran
1. tidak banyak berbual kosong
2. rajin bersugi (gosok gigi)
3. bercakap dengan orang soleh
4. bergaul dengan para ulama


Tidur terlentang sambil berfikir tent! ang kejadian langit dan bumi.

Miring ke sebelah kanan untuk memudahkan terjaga untuk solat malam.

Miring ke sebelah kiri untuk mencernakan makanan yang banyak dimakan.

Menelungkup/tiarap seperti tidurnya ahli neraka.


Suddenly, from outside the door heard a cry mengucapkansalam. "Can I enter?" tanyanya.Tapi Fatimah did not allow in, "forgive me, my father was cold," said Fatimah, the reverse of the body and close the door.

Then it was back to accompany his father who appears to have opened mataDan asked Fatimah, "Who then, O my son?" "No tahulah my father, who looks like this new one I saw," said Fatimah lembut.Lalu, He stares at the princess with a view of engaging.

As if the order is to be the face of his results. "Ah, he removes the temporary enjoyment, he is a separate meeting in the world. Malakul He died," said the Prophet, Fatimah ledakkan tangisnya detained. The angel of death comes closer, but the Prophet asked why Jibril did not follow the same participating.
Then Gabriel dipanggilah previously been prepared in the heavens God celebrate the spirit and love of this world leader. "Gabriel, explain what will hakku before God?" Ask the Prophet with a very weak voice. "Doors were open sky, the angels of heaven were open wide waiting ruhmu.Semua kedatanganmu waiting," said Gabriel.
But that turned out not to make Allah's relief, his eyes still full of emergency. "You are not happy to hear this news?" Gabriel asked again. "Tell me how soon the fate of my followers?" "Do not worry, 'O Messenger of Allah, I heard God say to me:' Kuharamkan heaven for anyone, except the people Muhammad had remained in it," said Gabriel.

Moments closer, it's time to do the task Izrail. He pulled gently soul. See the entire body of the Prophet bersimbah sweat, stretches his neck veins. "Jibril, how pain is sakaratul death." He gently murmur.

Terpejam Fatimah Ali is in the bow sampingnya and spirit away. "Jijikkah you see me, you turn to face the Spirit?" He asked the angel of revelation is the medium of instruction. "Who could, dear God direnggut term view," said Gabriel. He heard the groan while later, because the pain is not unbearable. "O God, death is really horrible, it took all inikepadaku death penalty, not in my followers." The Messenger from the cold, feet and chest is not moving again.

Vibrating lips as if to whisper something, Ali immediately approached and ears. "Uushiikum bus shalati, wa maa malakat aimanuku, ward prayer, and save those poor among you." Outside the door heard crying from bersahutan, friends hugged each other.
Fatimah clasp hands in his face, ears, and Ali back closer to the lips blue from the Prophet. "Ummatii, ummatii, ummatiii?" - "It would, my followers" And, berakhirlah noble human life which is radiation. Now, Can we love like?